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system-config-printer CUPS printer configuration tool and status applet
system-tools-backends DBus interface for system configuration
systemc C language for system design
systemsettings KDE system settings
sysvinit The Linux System V init and miscellaneous Linux tools
syx Free and portable smalltalk implementation
t-coffee Multiple Sequence Alignment Package
t-gnus Gnus is a flexible message reader running under GNU Emacs
ta-lib Unix POSIX Library for Technical Analysis
tabbed-git Simple generic tabbed frontend to xembed aware applications
tabixpp C++ wrapper to tabix indexer
tac_plus-libradius Version of Cisco's tac_plus Tacacs server with RADIUS support
tagtool GTK-based Ogg Vorbis and MP3 file tagger
talksoup IRC client for GNUstep and MacOSX
tamago-anthy Tamago(Emacs CJK input) + Anthy engine interface
tardy Manipulate attributes of files within tar archives
tasks Simple To Do list application for GNOME
tavrasm Assember for the Atmel AVR microcontroller family
tc 2-stroke non associative direct input for Kanji
tc-git 2-stroke non associative direct input for Kanji
tc-hasida-table Kanji table for t-code input (PostScript and PDF)
tcc The Smallest ANSI C compiler
tcc-git The Smallest ANSI C compiler
tcl-curl Curl bindings for Tcl
tcl-expect Extensions to Tcl to support scripting of interactive programs
tcl-fossil Tool Command Language, a dynamic language
tcl-itcl3 Framework for building mega-widgets using [incr Tcl]
tcl-iwidgets Object-oriented mega-widget set which extends Tcl/Tk
tcl9 Tool Command Language, a dynamic language
tcmplex-panteltje Re-write of the A/V multiplexer from the transcode distribution
tcprelay Relay TCP connections between a client and a server
tcpspy TCP/IP connections logger
tcptrack Watch TCP connections
tcptunnel Simple TCP port forwarder
tcpxtract Extract files from network traffic based on file signatures
tctool Speed Modem 50B/50B+/200/Cellpipe CELL 19A-BX utility
tde Thomson-Davis Editor
tdlib Cross-platform library for building Telegram clients
tdlib-purple Libpurple Telegram plugin using tdlib
teamspeak Talk to other people over the internet
teco Powerful and compact editor with nongrafical user interface
telegraf Plugin-driven server agent for collecting & reporting metrics
telegram-cli CLI for telegram messenger
telegram-desktop Telegram Desktop messaging app
telegram-purple libpurple protocol plugin for the Telegram messenger
telepathy-butterfly Telepathy-butterfly is the MSN connection manager for telepathy
template-glib Glib template expansion library
tendra Multi-targetted C and C++ compiler SID (Syntax Improving Device) is an LL(1) parser generator
teng Teng is a general purpose templating engine (whence Teng)
tengwar-ttf Family of fonts covering J. R. R. Tolkien's Tengwar script
tenmado Vertical scrolling shoot'em-up game
termbox Library for writing text-based user interfaces
termdbms TUI for viewing and editing database files
Terminal GNUstep terminal emulator
terminology Enlightenment terminal
termit Simple vte-based terminal with tabs and encoding switching
termshark Terminal UI for tshark, inspired by Wireshark
terraform Meta package providing preferred version of Terraform
terraform-docs Generate documentation from Terraform modules
terraform-provider-archive Terraform archive provider
terraform-provider-aws Terraform provider for Amazon Web Services
terraform-provider-aws-modules-http Terraform provider for interacting with generic HTTP servers
terraform-provider-aws3 Terraform provider for Amazon Web Services
terraform-provider-aws5 Terraform provider for Amazon Web Services
terraform-provider-cassandra Terraform provider for Apache Cassandra
terraform-provider-cloudinit Terraform provider for rendering cloud-init configurations
terraform-provider-flux Terraform provider for Flux version 2
terraform-provider-gandi Terraform provider for Gandi
terraform-provider-github Terraform provider for GitHub resources
terraform-provider-google Terraform provider for Google Cloud Platform
terraform-provider-hcloud Terraform Hetzner Cloud provider
terraform-provider-http Terraform provider for interacting with generic HTTP servers
terraform-provider-kafka Terraform provider for managing Apache Kafka Topics and ACLs
terraform-provider-kubectl Terraform provider to handle raw Kubernetes manifest YAML files
terraform-provider-kubernetes Terraform provider for Kubernetes (K8S)
terraform-provider-kubernetes1 Terraform provider for Kubernetes (K8S)
terraform-provider-local Terraform provider for local resources
terraform-provider-null Terraform provider for nothing
terraform-provider-oci Terraform provider for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
terraform-provider-postgresql Terraform PostgreSQL provider
terraform-provider-random Terraform provider for randomness
terraform-provider-scaleway Terraform provider for Scaleway
terraform-provider-template Terraform template provider
terraform-provider-time Terraform provider for Time-Based Resources
terraform-provider-tls Terraform provider for TLS resources
terraform-provider-vultr Terraform Vultr provider
terraform013 Infrastructure orchestration tool
terraform014 Infrastructure orchestration tool
terraform015 Infrastructure orchestration tool
terraform11 Infrastructure orchestration tool
terraform13 Infrastructure orchestration tool
terrascan Static code analyzer for Infrastructure as Code
tesseract-game First-person shooter game based on Cube 2
tesseract-game-svn First-person shooter game based on Cube 2
testssl Checks servers for TLS/SSL flaws
tetrinet Console tetrinet client
tex-attachfile-doc Documentation for tex-attachfile
tex-babel-japanese-doc Documentation for tex-babel-japanese
tex-breqn-doc Documentation for tex-breqn
mk Subfolder